Student Solution


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discussion 7 case studies

discussion 7 case studies

Q Be sure to include supportive material and examples from the textbook in your posts. Choose one of the case studies from pp. 238-256 (Ms. Souza, Rory, Martha, Ji-hun, Ellen) of the text. Read the case study carefully. In your post, discuss how the helper used both stages of counseling described the text (building relationships and establishing goals; applying strategies). Analyze the helper’s use of all six steps in applying strategies as discussed in Chapter 7. Discuss notable moments in these helping relationships, such as significant turning points, and how the helping relationship and use of strategies influenced them.

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The case in question, Ms. Souza a 65-year old married woman, cannot step out of her house to go the market for buying daily fresh produce that she needs for cooking other than with her husband, and this is because she has a phobia which she isn’t exactly clear about. She is dependent on her husband and to accommodate he comes to home early from work to help her, but since there has been a change in his route of work, he will not be able to commit in the same way, and for this reason, she has to find an alternative. She has been “in and out” of therapy for 20 years for depression and phobic reactions, but as her counselor is leaving the state, she has been referred to the outpatient mental health clinic of a general hospital, and now the helper is in charge of making her capable to be independent.